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Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Bridge to Terabithia By Mekeisha Hurley

The Bridge to Terabithia
Chapter 1!!!
Jess (the main character) would slip out of bed in the morning to go out to a paddock to do running because he wanted to be the fastest runner in the whole 5th grade and 6th grade. His life is so different to ours because we have sneakers, shorts and a t-shirt to run in, but he runs in old overalls and barefeet. His Mum and Dad are so strict and they don’t like it when the kids do something wrong or are naughty they would get a slap with a belt of a smack around the ear.
I really liked Chapter one because it made me think about the life that I have compared to the life that they have and it makes me think that I am very lucky to have the life that I have. 

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